In this episode, Energy expert Robert Bryce breaks down the global energy crisis, the impact of rising electricity costs, and the realities of renewable energy. He explains why energy policies are hurting the working class, h...
How to achieve a Zero Carbon Industry by 2060! In this episode we sits down with Jeffrey Rissman , senior director of Industry at Energy Innovation and author of Zero-Carbon Industry , the definitive guide to the breakthrough...
LEED Zero, Decarbonization through Building Design, with Daniel Overbey of Browning Day . Learn about the for elements of LEED Zero. Better understand the requirements around LEED Zero Carbon and how measurement and monitorin...
The Hoosier Environmental Council , how it’s protecting the environment and advocating for policy and economic changes with Executive Director, Jesse Kharbanda . Learn what the HEC is focused on as they work with liberals and...
“ Cut Super Climate Pollutants Now! ” In Alan Miller ’s new book, we discuss what are they and why do they matter in this episode. Alan was one of the earliest activists for ozone layer protection, including helping Dr. Rowla...
“Future Energy” How Companies are Transforming and Preparing for the next Energy Transition with Tej Gidda . He is currently GHD’s Global Leader for Future Energy, focusing the firm’s efforts on the transition in energy syst...
Learn about organic recycling strategies, challenges, and how it fits into ESG programs with Ryan Cooper , Director of Circular Economy Solutions and the Organics Recycling Lead at Rubicon . We discuss why composting is a gr...
Ron Gonen , CEO of Closed Loop Partners and Author of his new book “ The Waste Free World ” talks about his experience as an entrepreneur when he started RecycleBank and then became the Deputy Commissioner of Sanitation, Recy...
Food Waste is one of the leading sources of greenhouse gas and a major problem in society. It’s the dirty little secret not many talk about. Pete Pearson , Senior Director of Food Loss and Waste at the World Wildlife Fund , s...
We explore how Solar Energy is helping address Climate Change concerns with Jennifer Mrzlack President of PSG Energy Group and Michaela Bell. We discuss the trends they see in the Solar industry and what its like working with...
This week’s podcast interview is with Bruno Pigott, the Commissioner of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Bruno give us the State of Union on the Environmental initiatives and future priorities for IDEM in 2...