Freddie Guerra

Freddie Guerra Profile Photo

North America Digital Water Lead

Freddie currently serves as the North America Digital Water Lead for GHD. He is a strategist with over 30 years of experience that understands innovation is the key to taking on our nation’s biggest challenges. Freddie’s focus has been assisting the public sector to connect deep human and data insights with the possibilities of technology to define and deliver new realities, with enhanced experiences that can improve lives and deliver extraordinary mission outcomes.

Building on a long legacy of innovation, he collaborates with clients in accelerating their digital transformation by bringing agile processes, human-centered design, digital platforms, and smart analytics to create better customer experiences and drive improved performance. Freddie knows that digital water and smart cities are not about innovation for its own sake, but operationalizing new technologies that improve citizen services, organizational effectiveness, and mission capabilities. More importantly, he recognizes that an empowered, digital-ready workforce is a critical enabler of this transformation.

Utilities and municipalities must change dramatically if they are to the meet the challenges they face. Now, more than ever, the selection and deployment of digital technologies, tools, and solutions will determine how successful they will be now and in the future.

Aug. 7, 2023

"The Future of Water Management: AMI and Beyond an Exclusive Interview"

"The Future of Water Management: AMI and Beyond an Exclusive Interview" with GHD Digital 's Freddie Guerra and Rick Relyea . Learn how Advanced Metering Infrastructure is Unlocking the Potential for Utilities through Advanced...
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