Jesse Green

Jesse Green Profile Photo

Application Engineer

Jesse is a Senior Applications Engineer for E-Tank/E-Pump. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Jesse has 10+ years of work experience, and 3+ years of Engineering experience. Past experience includes for 2+ years of Field Engineering with Schlumberger. Jesse also spent a year as a consultant with Guernsey Consulting as an Engineering Design Intern while finishing my Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering from University of Central Oklahoma. Prior to that Jesse was Co-Owner of two business for 7+ years before obtaining his Engineering degree. He currently is the Application Engineer for Water Filtration Pump and Filtration Designs.

July 11, 2023

Water Filtration and Equipment Selection

In this episode we discuss Water Filtration and Equipment Selection. Properly sizing a water filtration system can be challenging. Who do you call when you need help figuring out the size of pumps you need to drain a retent...
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