Author, Senior Engineer
LeeAnn Racz is a Senior Engineer at ToxStrategies, Inc. She has also been the President and Founder of ClearView Environmental Engineering and Consulting, LLC, providing environmental and occupational health services to clients around the world. Prior to this initiative, she served for 23 years as a bioenvironmental engineer and civil engineer in the US Air Force. Some highlights of Dr. Racz’s military assignments include squadron commander, chief of consultative services at the US Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, director of the Graduate Environmental Engineering and Science Program at the Air Force Institute of Technology. Dr. Racz is a licensed professional engineer, certified industrial hygienist, and board-certified environmental engineer.
She earned a BS in environmental engineering from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, an MS in biological and agricultural engineering from the University of Idaho, and a PhD in civil and environmental engineering from the University of Utah. She has authored dozens of refereed journal articles, conference proceedings, magazine articles, and presentations, and edited six handbooks. Dr. Racz is a member of several professional organizations and honor societies and has received numerous prestigious teaching and research awards.