Mr. Wilson has extensive experience in the development and application of advanced technologies for groundwater and soil restoration. He is a widely published expert with over 30 years’ experience designing, installing and operating a broad range of remediation technologies. Mr. Wilson has expertise in project management and has directed the successful completion of large industrial remediation programs under State and Federal regulatory frameworks. At REGENESIS, on specific projects, he plays an active role in technical oversight and program management to ensure conformance with customer expectations.
In the 1990s, as Vice President of Remediation Technology with Groundwater Technology, Inc., he headed a team of scientists and engineers that developed industry-leading In Situ remediation processes and oversaw the design and implementation of more than 100 full-scale In Situ remediation projects. He was appointed to the USEPA Bioaction Committee to provide technical guidance and served for eight years on the faculty of the National Water Well Association (now the NGWA) where he taught on remediation strategies for groundwater pollution. He has served on the Superfund Task Force of the National Ground Water Association where he was responsible for liaison to the US EPA for issues related to CERCLA and the remediation of Superfund sites. He currently serves on the Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council committee on PFAS remediation where he was active in drafting and editing the technical regulatory documents on PFAS remediation processes.