Todd S. Davis, Esq. is the Chief Executive Officer of Hemisphere Brownfield Group LLC and Hemisphere Brownfield Consulting LLC. Mr. Davis focuses his work on all aspects of redeveloping contaminated property and the environmental aspects of real estate transactions. In this role, he has actively acquired numerous sites for Hemisphere’s portfolio and provided strategic advice in hundreds of transactions, including a number of the nation’s largest and most sophisticated brownfield redevelopments. Mr. Davis has been widely published in treatises, periodicals and newspapers. He is the principal author of an extensive 1,100-page treatise on redeveloping brownfield sites nationally, entitled Brownfields: A Comprehensive Guide to Redeveloping Contaminated Property (3rd Ed. 2010), published by the American Bar Association (ABA). He has contributed to a number of national publications on environmental law, including the Urban Land Institute’s book on brownfield redevelopment, Environmental Aspects of Real Estate and Commercial Transactions: From Brownfields to Green Buildings (4th Ed. ABA 2011) and Implementing Institutional Controls at Brownfields and Other Contaminated Sites (2nd Ed. ABA 2012). Mr. Davis was selected by the ABA to respond to media inquiries involving brownfields. He lectures often on topics related to the brownfield industry. He recently served as Co-Chair of the ABA’s “Master Class on Complex Environmental Liability Resolution,” awarded ABA SEER 2018-2019 Best Program. Mr. Davis served on the national Board of Directors for the National Brownfield Association, as Chairman of the ABA’s Government and Private Sector Innovation Committee and currently is a Vice Chairman of the ABA’s Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee.